About Us

Who We Are

Young Statements is a clothing brand for children with bold statements. Our apparel empowers children by giving them a voice. 

At Young Statements, we aim to do our part in reducing the number of children who are sexually and physically abused by highlighting the importance of consent. Our apparel features clear and consistent words around the concept of consent, — simple words like my body, no, and touch. Consent at any age is important. By giving your children the tools they need to take ownership of their body & set their own boundaries, you are keeping them safe. 

This is our contribution to the cause. We hope that you find value and support through Young Statements.



Sequoia, @sequoiarhian

As a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse, Sequoia has a passion for bringing awareness to these situations and how common they are. Sequoia participated in pageants with the platform of child abuse awareness, and also wrote and performed songs about the topic. Young Statements is Sequoia's way of helping to spread the message about how the impact of abuse and lack of consent being taught at an early age can cause a cycle of abuse. Hear more of their experience here.


Makayne, @makayneeee

As an educator and avid traveler, Makayne has come across students from all walks of life. Children must be protected, and Makayne has always taught her students that their voice is valid, and has encouraged them to advocate for themselves. Makayne is passionate about teaching her students the social-emotional skills they need to thrive & build healthy relationships. Young Statements is another important way that Makayne can support consent education & give a voice to even more children.



10% of every purchase is donated to Defend InnocenceDefend Innocence is a brand of The Younique Foundation, a public charity founded by Shelaine and Derek Maxfield, with a mission to eradicate child sexual abuse and its effects. At Defend Innocence, they focus on prevention and invite parents, caregivers, and community leaders to become involved in protecting children.

Defend Innocence has done the research & has identified the best ways that parents and other adults can reduce the risk of child sexual abuse.

They take on a comprehensive approach to reducing the risk of sexual abuse & believe that proactive parents teach their children age-appropriate information about sexuality and nurture their child’s capability and self-esteem. 

Check them out for more tips, tools, & information that can help you take little actions every day that will yield big benefits for you and your child.



We appreciate you and the child you shopped for today. May they wear their statements with confidence! Thank you for giving them a voice. 

💜  Young Statements  💜