Live Lift Love Podcast ft Sequoia

Listen to Sequoia talk about Young Statements and her life growing up on the Live Lift Love Podcast.


In this episode, I'm joined by Sequoia Rhian (They/Them @sequoiarhian ), an actor, model, and co-owner of Young Statements (@youngstatements), a brand focused on reducing the number of children who are sexually and physically abused by highlighting the importance of consent.

We start our conversation discussing Sequoia's life pre-COVID, including breaking through successfully as an actor, and their newly found success in being a hand model.
From there, we begin our main discussion on the Young Statements brand and its inception. Sequoia shares the transition from initially selling cat toys with their business partner, to shifting into a new business model focused on teaching the importance of consent to both children and adults while empowering children.
Sequoia shares their childhood experience of being physically and sexually abused as a child, finding out their father was a registered sex offender, taking the first step in speaking up, feeling alone and disconnected, and having church as a support system through the trauma.
We talk about the importance of communication and language in raising children, finding ways to empower children by giving them a voice at an early age, and the importance of therapy to work through emotional pain and trauma. 
If you or someone you know wants to take the first step in talking to someone about sexual abuse and trauma, please reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673. Available 24 hours every day). Or Google "RAINN" for a live chat option.
Additionally, @youngstatements is offering 15% off all purchases using coupon code: LLLDISCOUNT. Ten percent of all sales support @defendinnocence, an organization that inspires hope in women who were sexually abused as children or adolescents, by providing healing services through retreats, support groups, and online resources.


  • John

    bREXOmp Nxgbz AXXBwc xbDtjwuV EGKrjM

  • Kathy

    It was a great podcast, more such topics should be taken up.

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