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From Our Young Statements Families:

"Our son Briar experienced a hypoxic brain injury during his birth. He has had a lot of medical, very intrusive procedures...This shirt actually has a lot meaning for us...We want him to know that despite needing intervention- he still has bodily autonomy."

Hawkfeather Peterson

"My daughter will have FULL AUTHORITY over her body. If she says no, YOU WILL RESPECT THAT (family and friends)...that's why WE have to TEACH CONSENT and stop forcing our kids to accept things they feel uncomfortable with. I don't care who you are, if she's not comfortable with you, respect it or answer to me!"


"This shirt means a lot to me because a lot of children are sexually abused, not just in the United States but in other countries too. We need to spread awareness about sexual abuse everywhere. I picked this shirt because adults don't always hear out children who need help."


"What I have to say, matters! My voice is important. My voice is valid."


"Having a son means I have the responsibility to teach him how to respect others’ boundaries. For us, that starts with teaching him he is allowed to have his own! Thank you Young Statements for this line of shirts, and making it easier for us adults to teach these babes their voices matter!"

Yaritza, Santana & Kai